Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Welcome to the Modo Faction!

In other news, i completed many quests today in Perfect World. Aside from completing 11 more mandatory quests, i also took part in several Challenge, Voyage, Treasure and Pacifier quests as well.

The quests i completed today were:

#6 - A Welcome Distraction II (1080 XP)
6.1 - Kill 10 Brigand Brusiers & Return to Meri Koon

#7 - A Welcome Distraction III (3240 XP)
7.1 - Kill 5 Agitated Bandits & Return to Meri Koon

#8 - A Welcome Distraction IV (5000 XP)
8.1 - Kill 20 Tempting Bloomstresses & Return to Meri Koon

#9 - A Welcome Distraction V (1480 XP)
9.1 - Visit Tanis Ka

#10 - Humble Beginnings (5400 XP)
10.1 - Visit Kouros
10.2 - Talk with Kouros
10.3 - Kill 10 Moaning Harpies & Return to Kouros

#11 - Wander No More (8600 XP)
11.1 - Kill 20 Wandering Wraiths & Return to Kouros
11.2 - Visit Faji
11.3 - Visit Tanis Ka

#12 - Join a Faction (0 XP)
12.1 - Kill 1 Chi Beast & Return to Tanis Ka

#13 - Surplus Thing (10,320 XP)
13.1 - Kill 20 Zaaras Disciples & Return to Tanis Ka

#14 - Beyond Sunstream (1740 XP)
14.1 - Visit Tonni
14.2 - Visit Tanis Ka
14.3 - Visit Aiko

#15 - Choose A Faction (0 XP)
15.1 - Choose a Faction to join
15.2 - Visit Tonni
15.3 - Visit Mr. Gho

#16 - Jadeon (29,840 XP)
16.1 - Visit Enu
16.2 - Visit Issa
16.3 - Go meet Anan
16.4 - Revisit Issa

CAREER QUESTS (Blue) #1 - Restoration (2400 XP)
1.1 - Kill 10 Moaning Harpies and 10 Wandering Wraiths & Return to Kouros
1.2 - Visit Tanis Ka

# 2 - Ten Heralds of Underworld (1) (4560 XP)
2.1 - Visit Elder Yang
2.2 - Return to Devi
2.3 - Kill 30 Snoutnose Savages & Return to Devi

# 3 - Uphold Jadeon (10min time limit - 4104 XP) 
3.1 - Check the Lock of Jadeon
3.2 - Tell Aiko the bad news
3.3 - Kill 20 Snoutnose Savages & Return to Aiko

VOYAGE QUESTS (Light Blue) #1 - Issa's Letters (1818 XP)
1.1 - Visit Taja
1.2 - Visit Skylord Adra
1.3 - Visit Blacksmith Shatra
1.4 - Return to Issa

1 - Kill 49 Ebony Monkeys & Return to Dispatcher Tera (37200 XP)
2 - Kill 49 Snoutnose Savages & Return to Dispatcher Tera (37200 XP)
3 - Kill 25 Snoutnose Raiders & Return to Keita (88800 XP)

1 - Collect 9 Ape Wines & Visit Madhi (1277 XP)
2 - Collect 10 Snoutnose Heads & Visit Issa (1140 XP)

1 - Kill 25 Ebony Monkeys & Visit Tomoi (29600 XP)
2 - Kill 25 Monkey Phantasms & Visit Tomoi (29600 XP)
3 - Kill 10 Snoutnose Savages & 15 Snoutnose Raiders & Visit Tomoi (29600 XP)
4 - Collect 5 Black Bamboo Segments & Return to Tomoi (34000 XP)

1 - Kill 30 Monkey Phantasms & Visit Lunari (4800 XP)

Also, i decided to join the Modo faction after all. It was a bit of a tough choice, but the Modo faction's versatility and ability to shapeshift won me over. I'm hoping to have a long and enjoyable playthrough with Ryomedus (who is currently Lv 26!) and hopefully make some new friends along the way. Only time will tell.

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